
This collection of works gives birth to an imaginary gallery, yet these contemporary artists are very real. Their tangible creations forever feed my soul and expand my sense of Beauty. They express themselves in many mediums and differing creative tongues and are not dependent on fashion or trendy schools of thought; their polyglot creatures come alive to the sound of the viewer’s curiosity, rolling through the current pollution of imagery in search of a truthful connection.

I invite you to make their acquaintance little by little, to go beyond your own personal taste, to be free and limitless in your explorations. Let Art rejoice!

Anna Bocchi

Contadina della pittura

Caterina Ricci

L'arte del fare

Giorgio Radice

Dea primigenia

Giovanni Servettaz

Arte e verità 

Lorena Tortora

Looking for identity

Michael Davidson

Anima e Corpo

Monica Sori

Momenti, spazi, senzazioni

Pietro Sganzerla

Geografie del volto

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