Writing about art

In my case, writing about art comes from the sincere desire to connect with the readers, to light a match to their brains.

Whether it is a critical narration, audio guide, exhibition text, magazine article or artist biography my goals are to present the material in a vivid way, create rhythm and flow, stimulate interest, inform and entertain, strengthen the fruitful bond between image and content.

Yet, I do not write for a select group of connaisseurs. Feeding the inner circle is not one of my conscious intentions – I strive to create a reverberation towards the exterior.

Writing has always been an integral part of a personal process of understanding, meditation, and musing. You could say this is the first step towards communicating effectively, enhancing the link between the artistic domain and human evolution.

Depending on the task at hand and the objective of the commission writing about art may also become an extension of the original creation. Active description, perception, intuition, creativity; these are all instruments which may be used in varying degrees to express the full potential of a work of art.

Contact Art and the City

for all your “Art writing” needs and desires. Content is crafted with great care in both English and Italian.
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